PD (0).
YD (3) 1 Peach’s Kilbourne Fire Chief, lovely young dog, sound, well constructed shape & outline, correctly proportioned masculine head, dark eyes, strong neck, good lay of shoulder, depth of chest & well sprung ribs, well arched loin, correct tail carriage, well bent stifle, harsh coat, true easy movement with extension & drive. RBD; 2 Hawkins’ Kwaricott Asclepius, promising youngster of good breed type, good shape & outline, well constructed front & rear quarters, masculine head of good proportions, good bend of stifle, moved well; 3 Beckett-Hughes’ Ghiltan Honesty of Mulranny.
PGD (4,1a) 1 Hawkins’ Kwaricott Archimago, appealing young dog with a balanced shape & outline, strong masculine head, dark eyes, strong reachy neck, good front & rearquarters, moved well. Needs to tighten in front maturity should help; 2 Jenningn’s Brylach Macclintnock, masculine dog, good head & expression, strong neck, well laid shoulders, good topline held on the move, harsh coat, moderate angulation, good width across thigh, moved well; 3 Beckett-Hughes’ Ghiltan Honesty of Mulranny.
LD (2,1) 1 Coull’s Stainlonan Rikki of Regalflight, good sound male, pleasing type, harsh coat, strong head, neck, straight front, good bone & body shape, well angulated, moved really well with a long stride.
OD (2) 1 Peach’s Ch Kilbourne Macleod, striking mature male, balanced in shape & outline, good size & strength without real exaggeration, appealing masculine head & expression, strong neck into well laid shoulders, deep chest with spring of rib, correct topline held on the move, broad strong quarters, glided around the ring with an easy effortless long stride with a good front extension & rear drive. BD & BOB, shortlisted in the group; 2 Wiggan’s Killoeter Grilse, good type, pleasing in head & expression, good strong neck, harsh coat, good depth of chest & ribbing, muscular well developed rearquarters, good turn of stifle, moved OK.
PB (4,2) 1 Vayro’s Killoeter Nectar, lovely young bitch, very good breed type, nicely balanced in shape & outline, pretty feminine well proportioned head, strong neck, lovely clean front & rearquarters, correct topline, true easy movement. BP & RBB; 2 Peach’s Kilbourne Teine, promising young bitch, not the maturity of 1 but has similar attributes, really feminine head & expression, good balanced shape & outline, the quality is there, maturity will do the rest.
YB (2) 1 Wiggan’s Kilbourne Firebird of Lodhainn, nice quality bitch, well balanced, good type, pretty feminine head & expression, lovely curves, good bone & angulation, moved true both ways; 2 Finnigan’s Kwarricott Andromeda, pleasing type, would like a little more of her all round, good shape & outline, moved well, a little close behind.
PGB (4,2) 1 Peach’s Kilbourne Oh Suzzanna, feminine bitch of good breed type, sound & well balanced of good size, lovely feminine head & expression, strong neck, well arched loin, good depth of chest & spring of rib, well laid shoulders & well angulated rearquarters, good length from hip to hock, true movement with good extension & drive. BB; 2 Rhodes & Morton’s Kilbourne Charity of Gentom, of good proportions, pleasing type, feminine head & expression, neat ears & dark eye, adequate length of neck, correct shoulder placement, good rear angulation, moved true.
LB (4,3) 1 Rhodes & Morton’s Gentom Ovation, quality bitch, balanced shape & outline, very feminine head, strong neck into well laid shoulders, correct topline, good depth of chest & ribbing, strong rearquarters, good width across thigh, moved with an active easy gait with a long stride.
OB (1) A.